Terms and Conditions, School Regulations andStudent Responsibilities
Students must agree to abide by all School of Dental Nursing regulations and policies and be aware of the Student Code of Responsibilities. These are included in the Student Handbook, displayed on the School’s main website at http://http://schoolofdentalnursing.com . They may be updated from time to time. A full list of documents containing School of Dental Nursing’s relevant regulations and policies is available on request, but in particular students must:
- respect all School property, equipment and learning resources
- fulfil all financial obligations to the School as detailed below in Financial Regulations, Refunds and Transfers
- Respect the School’s attendance requirements and be aware that failure to do so may have implications, including the requirement to retake elements of the course and pay the associated charges.
School Rights and Responsibilities
1. The School will adhere to and implement good practice in applying its regulations, and meet its responsibilities as defined by all relevant external accrediting and awarding bodies/organisations and as detailed in the School Code of Commitment, which can be found in the Student Handbook.
2. The School reserves the right to assess applications and to offer admission or reject applications as it deems appropriate, in line with course entry requirements and best practice among educational institutions.
3. The School reserves the right to alter dates, fees and any particulars in published materials (in prospectus, brochures, or on the website) without prior notice. Equally, the School reserves the right to vary, amend or introduce regulations, terms, policies and procedures without prior notice, within reason. This does not affect the statutory rights of students, as indicated below.
4. For courses where the number of teaching hours are not specified by an awarding body, the School reserves the right to vary within reason the length of the course, the number and length of holiday periods and the days on which the course runs.
5. The School accepts no legal liability in the cases of accidents, illness, loss or damage to personal effects or mail, or for any damages or accidents caused through negligence or otherwise of a third party.
6. The School reserves the right to contract any third party to provide services, including enforcing any terms of this agreement, and to store and share with any parties as appropriate, students’ personal information, subject to the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act 2010.
7. The School reserves the right to conduct and provide its services from premises within reasonable commuting distance of its current campus.
8. The School reserves the right to initiate the recovery of all outstanding fees or School property from its students, and action to achieve this may include legal action as appropriate.
9. The School reserves the right to change a student’s fee status classification in the light of changes in relevant UK legislation, or where the student has withheld relevant information.
10. The School reserves the right to make special arrangements to cover exceptional/extenuating circumstances, at the discretion of the School.
Financial Regulations, Refunds and Transfers
1. Students must pay the full tuition fee to enrol for a specific course,
2. Course fees for self-financed students may be paid by instalments by agreement with the School.
3. The School reserves the right to make the following charges, at the rates detailed in School regulations as updated from time to time.
- Instalment payment administrative charges
- Administrative charges for costs of dealing with missing payments, such as dishonoured cheques
- Administrative charges for refunds
- Transfer charges for students who defer their studies to a later session of their course or to another course starting at a later session
4. If a student fails to pass an examination or assessment, it is at the discretion of the School as to whether that student will be permitted to retake the examination and whether a refresher course will be required. In such cases, additional fees will be chargeable.
5. Students are entitled under the terms of this agreement to a full refund of all tuition fees paid should the School be unable to offer an advertised course on the advertised start date, or within a reasonable period thereafter.
6. Course fees will not be refunded where cancellations are received after the course commencement date, for whatever reason, no refund will be given. In addition, any balance of outstanding fees on the student’s account must be paid in full.
7. Refunds for cancellations received prior to course commencement will be made in accordance with School of Dental Nursing’s Fee and Refund Policy.
8. Students are expected to attend the course they enrolled for from the start date applied for and of which they have been notified.
9. The School reserves the right to exclude permanently any student who commits gross misconduct or a serious breach of School regulations. If such action is taken, the student will forfeit all fees or other payments made to the School.
10. Students are financially liable for any damage that they may cause to School of Dental Nursing property or equipment.
11. Students are also required to abide by any additional course-specific regulations and policies which may be specified by The School of Dental Nursing.